2009 101E Request to President B. Obama

for USA to ratify immediately the Convention on Biological Diversity

WP7 No.101ENovember 12, 2009
Committee of Seven for World Peace Appeal
Kinhide Mushakoji, Hideo Tsuchiyama, Yoshino Oishi, Hisashi Inoue,
Kayoko Ikeda, Michiji Konuma and Satoru Ikeuchi


We would like to request that you extend your genuine concern to build a world where Life receives due respect and concern. Beginning with Humankind, which annihilation by nuclear holocaust, has already been warned by the Russell-Einstein Manifesto in the next year of the 1954 Bikini Nuclear Test of the United States, the rapid reduction of other life species due to human activities is now also a matter which should be rapidly taken care of.

The Committee of Seven for World Peace Appeal has recently issued the ‘Aichi-Nagoya Appeal Towards a World where Life is Respected – Appeal for the COP10 to the Convention on Biological Diversity to be held in Nagoya, Japan in October 2010’ (WP7 No.99E). In the Appeal we have expressed our request for the Government of the United States to ratify immediately this Convention and participate in the COP10. Your initiative to stop the present process of Biological Diversity reduction will be respected and remembered by the next generations around the world as a key decision in saving from extinction of so many species, and we thank you in advance for taking the necessary decision enabling the United States to participate as a signatory party the COP10.

Michiji Konuma, Secretary General
e-mail: mkonuma254@m4.dion.ne.jp
Fax: +81-(0)45-891-8386
URL: http://worldpeace7.jp

PDF Appeal→101e.pdf